Starbucks Queue Feature

Eliminate the unpredictablity of wait times with a queue feature!


Ever placed a mobile order, expecting a quick pickup, only to wait in uncertainty alongside other customers? Daily frustrations arise as people navigate unpredictable lines and wait times.

This project is a key component of my capstone, involving the addition of a feature to an existing product. I decided to confront a frustration I've personally encountered.


Starbucks customers frequently encounter long lines or uncertain wait times when picking up their orders. Even with the convenience of the mobile app for placing orders in advance, users still find themselves waiting without clarity on when their drink will be ready.


Create a new insightful feature for both app and non-app users.


Implemented a queue feature that allows customers to view their estimated wait time. This enhancement displays a live wait time so users are able to track their order, regardless if they have the mobile app.

Why a queue feature?

Picture this: You're at Starbucks, craving your favorite pick-me-up, only to be faced with an overwhelming line. Ever placed a mobile order, thinking your drink is ready, but end up waiting with the other pickups in uncertainty? Customers deal with this frustration daily, navigating unpredictable lines with no clue about how long they have to wait or when they'll recieve their drink.

Diving for info 🔍


🌟 Goal

We want to learn the frustration and struggles people face with lines/waits at Starbucks, so we can create a feature that gives users more insight.

🧠 Objective
  • Understand how users feel about lines and waits when ordering coffee
  • Learn people’s attitudes towards knowing wait times beforehand
🙋🏻‍♀️ Questions
  • How would a queue feature add to a user’s experience?
  • What would users do knowing they could minimize the wait time?
👥 Target Audience
  • People who regularly orders coffee/drinks (app and non-app)
  • People who encounter long lines in stores  
✍🏻 Mixed-Method Survey
  • Qualitative data w/ descriptive open ended Qs
  • Quantitative data through scales, rating systems, and numeric responses
⚠️ Assumptions and Risks

Difficult finding frequent Starbucks customers in time frame, so the survey will focus on people and their experience with long lines to buy coffee.

Competitor Analysis

Research survey

Survey was created using Qualtrics and sent to ~15 people. I’m able to learn more about users and their attitudes towards long lines while ordering coffee by requiring various open ended responses and using different survey elements.


utilize the Starbucks mobile app


encounter a line most of the time


would leave if wait time is 20+ minutes

App Users

  • Those who have the app will place a mobile order most of the time
  • Not everyone has the app, more common for frequent customers
  • App users redeem points through scanning their mobile app
  • App users are used to utilizing their phone at Starbucks
  • How do we create a feature that is efficient with their regular app usage?

Mobile Orders

  • Those who have the app will place a mobile order most of the time
  • Not everyone has the app, more common for frequent customers
  • App users redeem points through scanning their mobile app
  • App users are used to utilizing their phone at Starbucks
  • How do we create a feature that is efficient with their regular app usage?

Wait Times

  • Those who have the app will place a mobile order most of the time
  • Not everyone has the app, more common for frequent customers
  • App users redeem points through scanning their mobile app
  • App users are used to utilizing their phone at Starbucks
  • How do we create a feature that is efficient with their regular app usage?

Who are the customers? ☕️

user personas

I crafted user personas representing diverse Starbucks customer profiles, tailoring each persona to capture the unique needs and preferences of various types of users. In addition, each persona resembles a Starbucks card!

Customer journey

The customer journey begins the moment they step into the store and scan the QR code. At this point, they receive an estimated wait time and are presented with the choice to either place a mobile order instantly or proceed with waiting in line.

For this journey, I stepped into the shoes of a Starbucks customer from the entrance to leaving as a happy customer!

Task flow

The task flow involves users scanning the QR code to access the new feature. Through a series of steps, pages, and decisions, they can place an order and track their drink's completion process.

Coming up with designs 🖍️


In the wireframing process, my emphasis was on the key pages both pre and post-ordering. These screens showcasing the queue feature, providing users with an estimated wait time. Notably, the app ordering system has been extended to the website, enabling users without the app to place orders as guests for a seamless experience.

Let’s hear what the customers think 🗣️

Usability Test
🌟 Goal

Analyze how users interact with a wait time feature in Starbucks to determine whether this feature solves their frustration of uncertain wait times by observing their experience, while navigating the prototype.

⏳ Task Flows
  • Scan QR code to check wait time
  • Order as guest or in mobile app
  • Order a grande pumpkin cream cold brew
  • Check out and check wait time
🏆 Success Metrics
  • Users know to scan QR code and are able to check their wait time without difficulty
  • Users are able to complete tasks without confusion.
  • Users are able to appropriately estimate their wait time before and after placing an order

All participants unanimously rated the usability as a perfect 5 on a scale from 1 to 5, indicating the feature's simplicity and ease of use. The feedback indicated that participants found the feature to be highly beneficial, particularly in aiding their decision-making process when considering placing an order at Starbucks.

🔑 Key Takeaways
  • Although users understood the wait time, there was difficulty correlating time to the moving time bar
  • Wait time was helpful, but a user was unsure of how reflective that time was to actual fulfillment of drink
🪜 Next Steps & Revisionss
  • Iterate the progress bar to better reflect time
  • Possibly add specific time stamp
  • Add note that “order has been received” or “barista is preparing order” to allow users a more accurate depiction of where their drink is at

Order a drink!

Revised wireframes

Post-usability test, feedback revealed that participants would find it more beneficial to have visibility into the steps of their order process. Researching other competitors, it became evident that providing users with the status of their order contributes to a more positive experience in tracking their items. This insight highlights an opportunity to enhance the feature by incorporating a clear and informative order tracking system.


The prototype starts in the camera app at the Starbucks store, allowing comprehensive testing of the entire experience, including scanning the QR code. The primary focus is testing the new feature both before and after users place orders through the Starbucks website.

Give it a whirl—order your cozy fall drink and experience the journey!🍂✨


Introducing a feature for users to check wait times before ordering coffee can significantly boost customer satisfaction at Starbucks. Long lines often create uncertainty and frustration, sometimes prompting customers to leave. After ordering, the addition of a drink status feature keeps users informed about their order's progress, providing peace of mind during longer waits.

This project, aimed at addressing a common pain point, was not only fulfilling for me but also resonated with other users facing similar challenges. It was especially enjoyable as my first experience with adding a feature, presenting unique challenges while working on a personal project within an already established company.