
A self-care habit track to promote well-being.


The National Institute of Mental Health has stated that practicing self-care and understanding one’s personal well-being is vital in promoting mental health. Creating consistent habits allow for individual’s to create better routines. Through research, I hope to gain a better understanding of users' daily life, goals, and habits. I seek to empathize with different experiences and find ways to encourage users to maintain their healthy habits and routines.

As a recent graduate, I get the struggles of balancing a hectic schedule filled with academic demands, clubs, and work. It's tough to manage everything without feeling overwhelmed and stressed. I believe taking time for yourself shouldn't be a burden but a crucial part of your routine. That's why I'm keen to learn from other college students about how they navigate this delicate balance and incorporate self-care into their lives.


College students have trouble incorporating self-care between their hectic schedules.


Create an app that allows users to take care of themselves, by utilizing habit tracking and promoting personal well-being.

The research journey 🌄

Research plan

🌟 Research Goal
  • Determine if self-care practices benefit healthy routines
  • Understand how one’s daily life affects self-care habits
  • Understand people’s priorities and everyday struggles
  • Learn if habits and routines create a better mindset
  • Learn difficulties people face in keeping up with habits
👥 Target Audience
  • College students
  • People who want to practice self-care
  • People who want to learn and keep up with healthy habits
⚠️ Contraints

Talking about mental health and self-care can be a vulnerable topic, not all participants want to share personal information.


Screening Survey. Surveys were sent out to participants prior to interviews to capture demographics and ensure that the participants met the criteria. Criteria: college students, desire to practice self-care
User Interviews. I’m choosing to do user interviews so I can better empathize with participants and their experiences. By asking relevant questions and further going in-depth with the conversations, I am able to better observe their behaviors and responses.

Competitor Analysis

In my competitor analysis, I compared ChooMii to AloeBud, a health habit tracker, Shleep for sleep routines, and the widely-used Apple Health. Each platform brings its unique strengths—AloeBud emphasizing health habits, Shleep focusing on sleep, and Apple Health providing an extensive wellness hub.

Project goals

I've crafted a Venn diagram for ChooMii's project goals, highlighting the overlap between business and user objectives. This visual representation underscores the collaborative space where the success of the business aligns seamlessly with user satisfaction and needs.

User interviews

To better understand my users, I conducted interviews where I asked about their habits, mental health, and self-care. The questions were designed to reveal insights into their preferences and behaviors, providing a comprehensive understanding of their experiences and expectations for the project.

Research Findings

Conducting these interviews not only allowed me to apply empathy but also provided an opportunity to genuinely listen to my users. I greatly value those users who shared their insights, answered my questions, and engaged in open conversations.

🗣️ Quotes
  • "I feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities"
  • "Direct result of intentional committing"
  • "I like feeling proud and accomplished"
  • People feel discouraged when they don’t receive responses even if it’s a rejection
  • Most people apply to a lot of jobs and don’t feel like keeping track
🔎 Areas to Explore
  • How to design a tracker in a way that doesn't feel like an obligation?
  • Consider what participants would like to track
  • College students want to spend a lot of money, but they feel more incentivized when they do
  • Custom goals that celebrates small achievements
  • Notifications  that give users the option to track

Defining the users 💡

User personas

ChooMii's user personas are crafted to represent college students facing schedule challenges, each with unique situations and characteristics. This diverse approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of the varying needs and experiences within the target user group.


User gains motivation to keep up with their hobbies/habits. They track their habits and feel accomplished.

User gains motivation to keep up with their hobbies/habits. They track their habits and feel accomplished.

Site map

The sitemap for ChooMii starts with the launch screen followed with navigation. From the dashboard, users would have access to moving around the main parts of the app.

user flows

Using FigJam, I created 3 different user flows that are main functions in the user's experience when navigating ChooMii.

Time to design 🎨

I've crafted wireframes for ChooMii at different fidelity levels—low, mid, and high. This approach enables a detailed exploration of design concepts, laying a solid foundation for the project's visual and interactive elements.

wireframes creation process

Low-Fidelity Wireframes. These frames outline my initial idea for ChooMii. After the launch screen, users would be able to navigate anywhere on the app through the dashboard and lower navigation menu. In addition, users would be able to see the progress they've been making as soon as they open ChooMii.

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes. The dashboard being the focus of ChooMii, I wanted to keep it simple, but easy to understand in terms of navigation to allow users to get anywhere in the app from one page. This is shown in the following screens that dive deeper into self-care practices, narrowing down with each selection.

UI Components Library

High-Fidelity Wireframes. I illustrated the primary frames in my low-fidelity prototypes. That being the preference page that tailors the dashboard, as well as the employers profile where users would be able to request a coffee chat.

Testing the habit tracker 📲

Users completed a usability test on a ChooMii prototype. I recruited participants who have passed the screening survey and guided through their tasks. These users then answered follow up questions to describe their user experience.

🌟 Goal

Evaluate the usability of ChooMii to determine pain points, usability issues, and identify areas of improvement to enhance the user experience.

⏳ Task Flows
  • Sign up for an account
  • Add and customize new habit
  • Add habit to tracker
  • Track the habit
🏆 Success Metrics
  • 80% of users were able to complete task in similar time frame
  • Users complete task without errors or hesitation

Usability test participants were instructed to complete assigned tasks. These users then answered a series of follow up questions to describe their experience with the product.

🔑 Key Takeaways
  • Tasks were easy to complete
  • 3/5 users mentioned they did not read instructions screen
  • Users preferred instructions to be force read
  • Users felt mislead by customization before adding habit
  • Users had asked how to track less time
🪜 Next Steps
  • Create new frames that forces users to read through tutorial before starting
  • Create an information icon in case users wanted to go back to review instructions when they forget
  • Allow users to track certain times, such as 1 hour of habit, rather than the whole habit at once
Revised Wireframes

After the feedback received from the usability test, I decided to iterate my wireframes to produce a better prototype. In the revision, I've included tutorial screens to guide users through important information, ensuring they read and understand key details. This addition aims to improve the user experience by providing clear instructions and facilitating a better grasp of ChooMii's features.

Additionally, I've improved the font for better accessibility standards. I've also relocated the "new habit" feature to a more prominent and easily visible spot, enhancing the overall user interface.


Head to ChooMii now to track your yoga habit!⭐️🧘

Try Prototype


ChooMii is my first UX Design project, and it's been a tremendous learning experience. Each step in the process has felt like a new avenue for mastery, and I've found a lot of enjoyment in witnessing visible progress. This project has not only fueled my passion for UX design but has also showcased the satisfying evolution of my skills as I navigate this enriching learning curve.

As a Psychology graduate, this project is deeply meaningful to me. I wanted to apply what I've learned in the classroom to create a product that could genuinely help others facing daily frustrations. One crucial lesson from my academic journey is the importance of self-care, it has guided my approach in developing a product that not only addresses user needs but also promotes overall well-being.

Reflecting on this project, especially now that my portfolio is live, there are several aspects I'd like to refine—such as font consistency, accessibility, spacing, the use of shadows, and the overall UI. While I aspire to revisit and make these improvements in the future, it's rewarding to acknowledge the progress I've made so far.